How to Start the Year
As New Years Eve got closer my instagram feed began to change: ads for eating plans, exercise programs, vitamin subscriptions and cat beds began to dominate my feed. I’ve no clue about the cat bed (no cats here) but all the others point to the strong cultural expectations that we should all be ready for change and goal setting.
And yet, this is probably the hardest time of year to start something new. We are right in the middle of winter, and winter is all about the invitation to rest, regroup, slow the pace, let go of pushing or striving.
Just as plant and animal energy is directed toward survival and preparing to bloom and fruit in spring, January provides a great space to tend to ourselves and become ready.
Something I’ve found helpful over the last number of years is to use this month to reflect and ponder a Word for the Year. Rather than a list of things I must do, finding a word for my year acts like a kind of plumb-line, helping me keep in line with my intentions for my whole self, not just health or fitness or behaviours.
Previous years have included Adventure, Retreat, Surrender, Wildness, Courage, Leap. Friends I know who also do this have chosen words like: Body, Permission, Bold.
Having a word for the year has really helped me to make decisions, plan and move forward with things. Rather than a quick burst of discipline that I guiltily abandon by February, this practice has helped me pay more attention and live on purpose.
So how do you find a word? Well, step away from the dictionaries and thesauruses. This is done in the spirit of Winter - no striving or forcing, lots of gentle noticing. Here are three ways to find your word…
I’m just starting this process for myself and I’m drawing up a list of words that catch my attention out of the corner of my eye, words that I want to linger over. I’ll add to that list and towards the end of the month I’ll sit with a cuppa and see what word chooses me.
I’d love to hear what words find you!